As one of the highest achieving schools in Birmingham, we work hard to get the best out of every one of our pupils.
As one of the highest achieving schools in Birmingham, we work hard to get the best out of everyone; whether that is on the sports pitch, performing in one of our musical and drama productions, producing stunning artworks or taking part in the Duke of Edinburgh Award, Team Hodge Hill will always go above and beyond.
we are polite to everyone in and out of school
we celebrate our successes together, and be resilient in ensuring we achieve our very best
we treat each other with respect; being kind, honest and caring towards each other
We go above and beyond every day and strive for excellence in everything that we do
4:00pm – 6:30pm
All Day
Mon,30Sep30 – Fri,04Oct04
4:00pm – 6:30pm
All Day
Mon,28Oct28 – Fri,01Nov01
All Day
Mon,18Nov18 – Fri,22Nov22
4:00pm – 6:30pm
All Day
Mon,25Nov25 – Fri,29Nov29
All Day
Mon,09Dec09 – Fri,13Dec13
Year 8 Parents' Evening
Wednesday 25 September
Parents' Evening is a crucial event for parents, pupils, and teachers. It gives teachers the opportunity to discuss your child’s academic progress and provide advice on the next steps for improvement. We value working in partnership with families and encourage you to take this opportunity to discuss your child’s performance and how we can support them further.
Open Evening
Wednesday 9 October
Join us for our Open Evening aimed at prospective Year 7 students and their parents/carers. Take the opportunity to tour our school, meet our staff, and discover why Hodge Hill College is the preferred choice for families within our catchment area and beyond.